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- Laceless V1.1 - IconDrawers for non-interlaced Workbenches
- Contents
- Introduction - What and Why
- Installation - How
- Requirements - What
- Removal - How
- History - What, When and Why
- Further work - What
- Copyrights - Who
- Thanks - Who
- Contact - Who and How
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Introduction
- What?
- Laceless is a collection of icons to replace the standard 4 colour
- Workbench drawers.
- Now non-interlaced Workbenches can have icon drawers.
- Why?
- I created the Laceless collection mainly out of boredom with my
- Workbench setup (sound familiar ? :-) ). I realised that for people without
- monitors, interlaced screens weren't an option.
- All the replacement icon packages I had seen used interlaced
- screenmodes and looked streched on a non-interlaced screen. They also used a
- whole heap of colours, ruling out people without the memory for more than 4
- or 8 colour Workbenches.
- So I set about creating some nice drawer icons for 4 colour Workbenches,
- THAT USED THE DEFAULT PALETTE!! (Are you listening Magic Workbench??). And
- just as importantly, the icons are the same dimensions as the standard
- Workbench ones, no more memory or screen space is needed for these
- icons than normal!
- Actually, the icons are a whole 1 pixel higher than the default drawer
- icons, but this is due to Workbench's method of putting the border round the
- icons.
- And there is an 8 colour icon in there - the NewIcons Prefs icon, but if
- you need that icon you're probably running in more than 4 colours already. I
- included a Laceless icon for NewIcon Prefs as I don't have NewIcons running
- all the time, but still have the prefs program in my prefs drawer all the
- time. :-)
- And now Laceless has grown to the point where I want some feedback
- from people. So I'm releasing it.
- Get in touch if you have ANY feedback at all.
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Installation
- How?
- Just double click the Install_Icons icon and you're away.
- Installation uses Commorore's standard installer, so make sure you have
- that in your path. The script is nicer with IconPos, which comes from the
- Workbench 3.0 install disk. This is NOT included in the archive (see
- Requirements.
- After choosing your experience level and logfile prefs, choose Install
- to install the icons. The direcory Sys:Storage/Icons/Pre_Laceless is used to
- store your old icons DON'T DELETE THIS DIRECTORY if you think you'll ever
- want to remove Laceless!
- You'll also be asked if you want to save the Laceless installation
- somewhere. If you do, you'll be asked to choose a directory. An assign
- will be set up to this directory so that a small script file can find the
- icons. The script file is called "ic" and you call it with the icon file you
- want changing and the Laceless icon you want to copy the image from. ic
- requires IconPos (see Requirements).
- An update is basically the same as an install, but the current Laceless:
- assign is used to locate the install directory.
- Removal is by the same script.
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Requirements
- What?
- The laceless Icons don't need any support programs, however the install
- script is much nicer if you have IconPos installed on your system. IconPos
- is Commorore's icon manipulation utility. It allows the install script to
- change the icon images without losing information such as the icon's
- position within a drawer, or the position and size of the icon's associated
- drawer.
- Without IconPos the script just copies the Laceless icons on top of the
- old ones, effectively removing ANY snapshotting that has been applied to
- that icon.
- IconPos can be found in the C drawer of the Install3.0 disk. I'm not
- sure if it's on any of the earlier Workbench instalation disks.
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Removal
- How?
- If you should ever want to remove Laceless and retrieve your old icon
- set, just start up the Install_Icons script and choose Remove when asked.
- Installation is carried out by the same script.
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - History
- When?
- 9/12/96 - V1.0 Release
- 21/ 1/97 - V1.0.1 Update
- Added Icons : Incoming, Fonts, Emulation, Locale & Libs.
- 9/ 3/97 - V1.0.2 Update
- Added Icons : Demos, MagicMenu, ClassAct, Yak, Guide and Text Docs.
- 3/ 5/97 - V1.0.3 Update
- Added Icons : CD-ROM, Database, MagicMenu, MCPPrefs, NewIconsPrefs,
- TurboPrefs and Worms.
- 14/ 5/97 - V1.0.4 Update
- Added Icon : CDMusic.
- 3/ 6/97 - V1.1 Release
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Further Work
- What?
- Well that's where you come in. What more do you want from Laceless? Do
- you want icons for applications? Are there any more general purpose
- IconDrawers that you need?
- Get in touch if you have any requests.
- Also look out for my set of 8 colour ToolManager dock icons, called
- Gavdocks, it is in pix/icons on Aminet.
- And if all that wasn't enough, I'm working on a set of Laceless icons
- for use with Deficons. And I'm considering a set of Laceless icons for use
- with Newicons. Send @{"me" link "me" 0} any ideas you might have for these.
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Copyright Information
- Laceless is Email-ware. Send me an email if you use Laceless, also
- put an example Worbench on Aminet, there's FAR too many interlaced examples
- on there :-).
- Gifts are welcome, but not necessary, I didn't do this for money, just
- to make my Workbench look better :-).
- Laceless icons have been designed to fit around the standard Workbench
- icons, to do so some standard Workbench icons have been used as the basis
- for some of Laceless' IconDrawers.
- However no image used has not been at least altered by myself, therefore
- the Laceless Icon Set is Copyright Gavin Dodds 1996.
- Permission is granted for inclusion in ANY form of distribution, as long
- as my copyright is respected and the Laceless Icon Set is mentioned in the
- documentation. I'd also like to have an email informing me of which packages
- include Laceless icons. There should be no ADDITIONAL cost to the user for
- the inclusion of any Laceless icons, however normal charges may be made.
- I would especially like to hear from any magazines that use Laceless
- Icons on their cover disks/CDs.
- Commodore's Installer program is copyright Commodore-Amiga 1992.
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Thanks and Greets
- Who?
- Thanks to anybody who helped develop the Amiga and it's OS.
- Thanks to Daniel Silva etc. for Dpaint.
- Thanks to Edd Dumbill for Heddley.
- Thanks to Marco Negri for Black's Editor.
- Thanks to Harry Doyle for trying these icons out.
- Who?
- Hi to anybody who gets on Swansea's LPMUD, Sushi!
- Hi to people who sent me emails:-
- Christian Dezert - My first response!
- <space reserved for any more people who send feedback>
- ============================================================================
- Laceless V1.1 - Contact Details
- Who?
- Gavin Dodds.
- Where?
- Gavin@eagle001.demon.co.uk
- Why?
- Laceless feedback and just a general chat if you want.
- ============================================================================